Can Weight Training Build The Ideal Biceps Muscle Shape?

Many bodybuilders seem to focus upon developing two muscle groups beyond all others, with the abs and biceps becoming the primary goal of many weight training workout routines, often harming total body development. The biceps are an especially sought after muscle group due to becoming the de facto standard sign of power and strength, symbolizing bodybuilding superiority, with a great many bodybuilders obsessing over producing the biggest, most visibly striking biceps pose. Far too often, weight lifters will even neglect the importance of triceps, a vital upper arm component, in favor of biceps emphasis, not comprehending the importance of training complimentary muscle groups.

In the pursuit of a specific biceps contour, bodybuilders experiment with numerous routines, and do so with the hopes of developing a particular biceps shape, usually patterning their goal after another’s success, and wishing to achieve the same progress themselves. They, of course, will adopt an identical routine, with the feeling that by doing so, arm shape will replicate the bodybuilder they aspire to emulate, but after months of effort, will find that the biceps do not respond as had been hoped. They may gain size, but the shape, which is what many bodybuilders wish to transform, stays identical, so they begin to develop a larger version of what they noticed before starting to train regularly with weights.

The reason for this is that unlike far too many are led to believe, biceps shape is not determined by weight training workout routines or due to consistency with an effective bodybuilding system, but rather is controlled completely by genetics, which is why some bodybuilders, even those who rely on dangerous steroids, have a biceps shape that is relatively flat, while others show an elevated peak with a very appealing, rounded appearance. Two bodybuilders could very easily follow identical weight training plans, and find themselves achieving different progress, all because genetics will determine how a biceps ultimately develops.

Of course, this does not mean that the biceps muscle will not improve through dedicated weight training effort, as adding size to any muscle group will enhance its aesthetic impressiveness, but many seek to mold a new shape for their biceps, transforming a flat, pancake-like biceps muscle into a round, rock-like peak, and there is no weight training or bodybuilding diet regimen that can help achieve such progress. Those with a high, shapely biceps peak were born with the biceps muscle destined to appear in such a way, and if body fat level was low prior to beginning a weight training expedition, the soon to be bodybuilder could easily tell that his or her biceps offered such a natural contour just by flexing, even though no new muscle had yet to be built. The possibility of modifying biceps shape is one of the most widely held misconceptions, and frequently places bodybuilders in an endless loop as they seek the perfect weight training system that will mold their biceps into the rounded appearance they are striving for.

Realistically, all that any bodybuilder can focus upon is increasing muscle size and reducing body fat to low levels so that the muscle becomes more visible. For bodybuilders who have a high level of fat prior to embarking upon their weight training journey, biceps shape can be a challenge to determine, as fat obscures muscle definition, so body fat should reach low levels before determining such a characteristic.

But do not become discouraged, as regardless where your biceps currently rank in terms of peak, following an effective bodybuilding diet and weight training routine will allow you to build substantial size, which enhances the genetic potential that you’ve been granted. Frequently, a bodybuilder who lacks biceps peak may have a shapely back, chest or legs, where others with more pleasing arms are deficient in these areas, so instead of settling for only what you have personally defined as the perfect bodybuilder’s build, aim to grow muscle mass to your individual genetic limits, and reduce body fat as low as your metabolism will allow to bring about the best physique you personally are capable of. In short, pursuing a specific biceps shape is not worthwhile when this is a characteristic beyond any bodybuilder’s ability to dictate.