No-nonsense Muscle Building Review – How The Chapter On Nutrition Will Help You Build Lean Muscle

“No-Nonsense Muscle Building” is an all-in-one muscle building program that includes exercise routines with demonstrations and information on nutrition and eating. “No-Nonsense Muscle Building” has embraced the commonly held belief that consistently building muscle is 1% exercise and 99% recovery and Chapter 7, titled “Massive Eating” is probably the most important in terms of helping men bulk up. The problem is that most men don’t know how to eat when they’re exercising. This article will summarize what Chapter 7 is about and why it’s so important to understand it if you want to bulk up.

  1. Energy Balance = Energy Intake – Energy Outtake

This seems almost too obvious to mention, but it’s the foundation of successful muscle gain, so I’ll explain it for those people who don’t understand what it’s about. When I talk about energy, I talk about calories you take in every day. The food you eat is your energy intake and the energy you expend is energy outtake. There are two components of energy outtake that you have to take into consideration when you’re bulking and that’s your resting metabolic rate and active metabolic rate. When you’re calculating how much muscle you want to build, you have to consider how much you’re currently eating, you’re daily calorie intake and how quickly you want to build muscle.

  1. Resting Metabolic Rate

It doesn’t seem like it but 50-70% of your daily caloric output is just from existing. Standing still and breathing, sleeping, sitting and reading… that all comes under activities you would do where your metabolic rate is at it’s lowest. The body doesn’t like to be pushed out of its equilibrium since this upsets the resting metabolic rate but this is essentially what you’re doing when you’re building lean muscle. Your RMR tells you how “fast” you’re currently working at and how much “faster” you have to go for your body to catch up to build muscle.

  1. Active Metabolic Rate

This is also known as your Cost of Activity. This is what you usually do everyday, ie. if you’re an office worker you would have a lower Cos of Activity than a laborer, for example. You have to multiply this to your RMR to find out your metabolic rate and hence how many calories you have to take in to be in an excess caloric intake.

There is MUCH more to be taken into consideration than this, but “No-Nonsense Muscle Building” educates serious men who want to build lean muscle. You can’t simply eat a lot. You’ve got to eat a lot of good stuff, with healthy calories, not food with “empty” calories like snacks and saturated fatty foods.